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Past Event

Achieving scale and equity: models to simplify, normalize and diversify PrEP service delivery

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This session will spotlight diverse real-world PrEP service delivery models from a variety of contexts and for different populations, showcasing examples of the innovative, out-of-the-box thinking needed to accelerate PrEP scale-up. The presentations will be–followed by a panel discussion with leading experts on accelerating PrEP scale-up, sustainability of PrEP programming and the implications of new PrEP products and approaches. Hosted by WHO, US-CDC, the International AIDS Society, PATH, the EpiC project and UNAIDS at the 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024), the session will take place in Room 14c and will be available virtually on conference Channel 10.

Populations & Programmes
Event Type
pre-exposure prophylaxis, PrEP, scale-up, service delivery models, differentiated service delivery