Global Search

2024-07-04 2024-07-25T11:30:00

Upcoming Event

Global Condom Community of Practice session: The status and future of condom programming: Commodity security, people-centered design, promotion and effective stewardship

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Condoms remain among the most impactful interventions in the global HIV response and were estimated to have averted 117 million new HIV infections from the onset of the epidemic to 2020. The past decade, however, has seen condom programming in crisis. Declining procurement volumes and reduced funding for social marketing and promotion contributed to declining condom use in several countries. There is a major risk of additional declines, which requires urgent action now. This session will provide a comprehensive analysis of the status and chart a way forward in the spheres of commodity security, people-centred design, demand generation and effective stewardship. Thereby the session will also discuss what sustainable condom programming could look like in different epidemic and socio-economic contexts.

This event will be held in the UNAIDS Room 1 at AIDS 2024.

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Community of Practice