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Policymakers and programme planners who are scaling up voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) are looking to improve efficiency, maintain or improve quality of services, create demand for services and provide timely level of supply to match existing demand, and achieve the maximum impact for the least cost. The presentations at this AIDS 2014 satellite session highlight key findings from several countries that have moved to high-volume VMMC services; explores challenge we still face; and offer recommendations for programmes as they accelerate scale-up of VMMC services in their countries.

  • Can health systems deliver a high volume of VMMC services and still keep quality high? How are programme planners improving efficiency?
  • What are the key cost drivers associated with providing VMMC services?
  • ​What approaches have been taken to create demand for services, and what is the way forward for enhancing demand creation?
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MCHIP, Jhpiego
Populations & Programmes
AIDS 2014, satellite session, scale-up, scale up, challenges, impact