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In 2007 WHO and UNAIDS recommended that countries with high HIV prevalence and low male circumcision rates add voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) to their HIV prevention programming. Mathematical modeling published in 2011 indicated that rapid scale-up of VMMC to 80% of men ages 15 to 49 would require 20.3 million circumcisions and avert an estimated 3.4 million new HIV infections. At this time countries in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region set ambitious scale-up goals and President Obama set a goal of 4.7 million PEPFAR-funded circumcisions by December 2013. Some six million men have been circumcised to date, with funding from ESA governments, PEPFAR, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This videotaped session presented tools developed and detailed lessons learned during the accelerated scale-up of VMMC. Panelists included representatives of Jhpiego, the MCHIP Program, WHO, PEPFAR, the Ministries of Health of Tanzania and Lesotho, CHAPS, and PSI.

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MCHIP, Jhpiego
Populations & Programmes
scale up, scale-up, lessons learned