Global Search

This report summarises the fifth round of GPC reporting. It was written at a time when countries were transitioning from the 2016–2020 to the 2021–2026 Global AIDS Strategy. The report provides a forward-looking perspective on findings as of 2021 as a foundation or benchmark for the accelerated progress that is needed over the next decade. Previous GPC progress reports have detailed the 2020 Road Map — the GPC’s 10-point action plan for strengthening national HIV prevention programmes — and have reported the gains and gaps observed in implementing the Road Map using the GPC’s scorecard method. This report focuses instead on the outcomes of these efforts. The narrative presents the outcomes that are captured in the 2021 scorecards, examining recent achievements in the 28 GPC focus countries, then summarising country progress by intervention area, leading to five overarching findings. Although the scorecards and findings are of broader interest, the primary audiences for this report are the participants and stakeholders involved in the GPC at the country, regional and global levels.

Key findings from the 2021 GPC scorecards
Key findings from the 2021 scorecards of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition - Spanish version
Key findings from the 2021 scorecards of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition - French version
Key findings from the 2021 scorecards of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition - Portuguese version
Global Prevention Coalition
Populations & Programmes
Resource Types
scorecards, monitoring, progress, accountability, targets, key populations, coverage, AGYW, adolescent girls, young women, access to prevention tools, data gaps