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Building a brand for PrEP: Positioning PrEP in the hearts and minds of young people
With choice of PrEP products on the horizon – including oral PrEP, the PrEP ring, and injectable cabotegravir for PrEP (CAB PrEP) – PrEP marketing and demand generation must evolve with the availability of new PrEP products. Young people, in particular, need PrEP demand generation campaigns tailored to their needs and aspirations. In this webinar, we will hear from teams working to change the landscape of PrEP marketing by applying private sector approaches to brand the PrEP category. We will also hear how they are developing fresh, dynamic, and evidence-informed campaigns to increase PrEP awareness and encourage PrEP use among young people in Africa.
This webinar in the MOSAIC Global PrEP Learning Network series is being hosted by PEPFAR, USAID, and MOSAIC.