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Past Event

Global men and HIV Technical Working Group launch: Global Men and HIV TWG webinar #1

- //Men & HIV Technical Working Group, Webinars
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The first in a series, this webinar will serve as the launch of the Men and HIV Global Technical Working Group (MENHT). In addition to providing an introduction to the group and its terms of reference, the webinar will also feature presentations on promising efforts to reach men with HIV and other health services in South Africa. Another presentation will summarise findings from Eswatini, Malawi and South Africa on men’s experiences of trauma, including childhood exposure to violence and sexual assault, and the health effects of those experiences.

Men and HIV TWG webinar #1 flyer
MINA campaign for SA men living with HIV presentation
Populations & Programmes
Community of Practice
Men & HIV
men and HIV, men, male engagement, trauma, communication campaign