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2024-07-04 2024-07-25T09:00:00

Upcoming Event

Key Populations Community of Practice (KP COP) Theme 10: How to use law reform to advance HIV prevention for key populations

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The tenth meeting (90 minutes) of the key population community of practice is scheduled to take place in July 2024. The meeting, titled "How to use law reform to advance HIV prevention for key populations”, aims to achieve the following objectives:  

  • Briefly summarize the evidence about the role of the legal environment in facilitating or harming HIV prevention efforts with key populations;
  • Share evidence about strategies that have been used to reform or mitigate the impact of discriminatory and harmful laws or policies; 
  • Understand the tactics and approaches that country governments and key population-led organizations are adopting to address harmful laws in their respective countries.

The meeting will specifically focus on punitive and discriminatory laws and policies related to sex work, same-sex sexual behavior, transgender people, and people who use drugs The meeting will also address laws and policies concerning the age at which young people can independently consent to sexual and reproductive health, which directly affects young key populations in many parts of the world underscore the need for greater commitment from all stakeholders. The meeting will be held in the UNAIDS Room 1 at AIDS 2024.

Populations & Programmes
Community of Practice
Key populations