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The Decision-Makers’ Program Planning Tool (DMPPT) was developed by the USAID Health Policy Initiative in collaboration with UNAIDS to enable decision-makers to understand the potential cost and impact of various options for scaling up voluntary medical male circumcision services. It calculates the cost of male circumcision services by delivery mode based on clinical guidelines and locally derived information about staff time and salaries, supplies, equipment, and shared facility and staff costs. The DMPPT also estimates the impact of male circumcision on the HIV epidemic. Coverage levels and speed of scale-up can be varied to examine potential cost and impact under different scenarios. The DMPPT incorporates sensitivity analysis for key inputs, including the impact of male circumcision on women. It estimates HIV incidence, HIV prevalence, AIDS deaths, overall costs, and net cost per HIV infection averted as a function of the number of male circumcisions performed.

This is the costing workbook for private clinics.

MC costing workbook private clinicV102March2010
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cost, impact, scale up, scale-up, VMMC services