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The Global HIV Prevention Coalition (the Coalition) was established in October 2017 to galvanize greater commitment to—and investment in—HIV prevention in order to achieve the 2020 prevention targets. At its first meeting in October 2017, the Coalition endorsed the HIV 2020 Prevention Road Map, which contains a 10-point action plan for accelerating progress at the country level and specifies complementary actions to be taken by development partners and civil society. All 28 focus countries have now committed to implementing the Road Map, and many other countries are adopting similar systematic approaches to advance their prevention efforts.

This narrative report summarizes: 1) Progress on the implementation of the 10-point action plan agreed upon as part of the HIV 2020 Prevention Road Map; 2) Progress in scaling up programmes in the five pillars of primary HIV prevention; and 3) Key achievements and critical gaps in reaching primary prevention targets since the establishment of the Coalition.

Implementation of the HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map, Third Progress Report, October 2019
Implementation of the HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map, Third Progress Report, October 2019
Mise en œuvre de la Feuille de route pour la prévention du VIH à l’horizon 2020, Troisième rapport intermédiaire, octobre 2019
Resource Types
GPC, HIV prevention, national targets, institutional change, policy, service delivery, operational planning, capacity building, civil society, financing, monitoring systems, accountability, targets, scorecards, progress