Global Search

INPUD has collaborated with the WHO Department for Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes (HHS) in a global qualitative study to inform the updating of the WHO 2016 Consolidated Guidelines for HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care for key populations. The four key populations participating in the study are: gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men, female, male and trans sex workers, people who inject drugs and trans people. Each of the four key population global networks have conducted separate peer-driven qualitative research studies into the values and preferences of their communities in relation to HIV, viral hepatitis and STI interventions and programmes. This report represents an overall summary and the key findings from the INPUD qualitative values and preferences study with people who inject drugs
Key populations values and preferences for HIV, hepatitis and STI services: qualitative study:
International Network of People Who Use Drugs
Populations & Programmes
Resource Types
qualitative research