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This action plan for 2013–2018 focuses on health promotion and the social determinants of health in Mexico. Given the crosscutting nature of health, the plan calls for multisectoral participation rather than a siloed approach in order to optimise resources in different government sectors that contribute to determinants of health. It aims for inclusivity, with a special focus on vulnerable populations, including indigenous people, migrants and school-age children, and emphasises health determinants, gender, and linguistic and cultural relevance. The six objectives, six strategies and 13 action plans build on effective practices and innovations in health which have had significant impact among different populations, including strategies for combination HIV prevention (biomedical, behavioral, structural). Indicators and targets are provided to facilitate implementation, monitoring and evaluation across institutions of the National Health System and federal entities. The participation of health personnel and civil society are also called for as part of the effort to bring health promotion closer to the population. 

Action program: health promotion and scoial determinants
Health Sector Program (Programa Sectorial de Salud), Government of Mexico
Populations & Programmes
social determinants of health, multi-sectoral, vulnerable populations, crosscutting, combination HIV prevention