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The Action Catalyst Tools (ACT) provide implementers, funders, and other stakeholders with resources to help them systematically develop interventions to increase uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC). Informed by proven principles of human-centred design and behavioural sciences, these four tools and the behavioural framework are custom built for VMMC based on extensive research among men and those who influence them. They are designed to help teams develop interventions that will advance each man’s journey towards VMMC by addressing the key barriers to uptake that he faces. The tools are intended to be used sequentially for maximum impact but could be deployed as needed once teams have experience using them within their own organisations.
- VMMC Behavioral Framework: Lessons from Quantitative & Qualitative Market Research
- Portfolio Mapping Tool – ACT for VMMC
- Persona Tool – ACT for VMMC
- Intervention Design Tool – ACT for VMMC
- Intervention Improvement Tool – ACT for VMMC
- Market Research in VMMC: Applying Private Sector Approaches to VMMC Demand Creation
- Changing the Game on VMMC